
Solar panels are an excellent way to generate clean and renewable energy for your home or business. They convert sunlight into electricity, powering your lights, appliances, and other electrical devices. However, the efficiency of your solar panels depends mainly on the angle and orientation at which they are installed.

The angle and orientation of your solar panels can significantly impact their overall efficiency. If your panels are not installed at the correct angle or orientation, they may not receive enough sunlight to generate the maximum amount of electricity. Moreover, improper installation can also reduce the lifespan of your solar panels and increase maintenance costs, which only adds to the overall costs. Few people know how this works, so we will discuss the details in this article.

Factors That Affect Solar Panel Angle and Orientation

Several factors can affect the angle and orientation of your solar panels, including:

Roof Tilt

The tilt of your roof can significantly determine the best angle for your solar panels. If your roof is flat, you must install mounting brackets to tilt your panels at the optimal angle. If your roof is sloped, install your panels directly onto the surface, which can help maximise their exposure to sunlight.

Generally, the ideal angle for solar panels is between 30 and 45 degrees. This allows them to capture the most sunlight throughout the day, increasing efficiency and reducing energy costs.


Your location’s latitude is also crucial in determining the best angle for your solar panels. The sun’s angle changes throughout the year, depending on the season and your location on the planet. In general, if you live closer to the equator, the optimal angle for your panels will be closer to 0 degrees (flat), while if you live in a location further from the equator, the optimal angle will be closer to 45 degrees.

The optimal angle for solar panels varies in Australia, depending on where you live. For example, in Brisbane (located at a latitude of 27.5 degrees south), the ideal angle for solar panels is around 27 degrees. In Melbourne (located at a latitude of 37.8 degrees south), the perfect angle for solar panels is around 40 degrees.


The season also plays a role in determining the best angle for your solar panels. During the summer, the sun is higher in the sky, and the days are longer, so the optimal angle for your panels may be slightly steeper to maximise energy production. During the winter, the sun is lower in the sky, and the days are shorter, so the optimal angle may be flatter to capture as much sunlight as possible.

For this reason, the angle of solar panels in Australia is often adjusted twice a year to account for the changing seasons. This is typically done in spring and autumn when the sun transitions between its highest and lowest points in the sky.


While not a direct factor in determining the best angle for solar panels, shading can significantly impact their performance. If your panels are shaded for even a small portion of the day, it can substantially decrease energy production. Because of this, you must consider any potential shading when installing your solar panels.

If nearby trees or buildings could cast shadows on your panels, installing them at a steeper angle is recommended to minimise shading. You can also trim trees or bushes that may block the sun’s rays.

Angle vs. Orientation: What Matters More?

Angle and orientation are essential in determining the best angle for solar panels. The angle affects how much direct sunlight the panels receive, while the orientation determines which direction the panels face.

Generally, solar panels are recommended to face south in the northern hemisphere and north in the southern hemisphere. This ensures that they receive the most sunlight throughout the day. However, if shading is an issue, orienting the panels in a different direction may be necessary to minimise shading.


The best angle for solar panels will depend on various factors specific to your location, including the amount of sunlight you receive, the presence of shading, and the orientation of your home or building. Consulting with a professional solar installer can help ensure your panels are installed at optimal angles and orientations for maximum energy production. This way, you can maximise the return on your investment in solar energy and reduce reliance on traditional power sources.

Renew Energy can help if you need solar panels in Perth! Our solar panel installation professionals will ensure your home or business gets the perfect system to meet your energy needs. Book a free consultation today!

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